FCSN & College of Adaptive Arts

FCSN is a organization that specializes in the neurodiverse communitty by providing them with after school workshops and educational opportunity. Through our hands-on science based model, we are hoping to bridge the barrier of access to science to the nuerodiverse community.

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ACE Esperanza Science Fair

Through our partnership with ACE Esperanza middle school, we will launch our 2nd annual Science Fair. In the winter semester, we will be introducing the basics of performing an experiment such as data analysis and forming a hypothesis. In the Spring Semester, we will have a Science Fair where students can perform their own individual experiments based on the skills they have learned earlier.

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Test Tubes

Rehab Africa

Through our partnership with Rehab Africa, we are initiating an inaugural science program aimed to increase STEM in Liberia. Through hands-on-experiments we are introducing concepts like density and velocity. Ensuring these students have proper access and encouraging them to pursue a career in STEM

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Dublin Unified School District

Throughout Dublin Unified School District, volunteers from Dublin High School volunteer at schools in the district, inspiring a curiosity in STEM. The curriculum focuses on experiments and interactive games making learning enjoyable for the students. Through over 60 classes across the school district, the initiative has positively impacted the lives of 120+ students.

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